
Estimated reading: 6 minutes 1062 views

Version 1.4.8 – Released 8 January 2024


  • License codes used by a user are now displayed in their profile in the WordPress dashboard
  • Registration codes are no longer depleted when users mistakenly re-register using the same code on registration forms
  • Added new [b2b_client_dashboard] shortcode (show_user_organizations), which allows you to display the user’s Organization
  • Added filter hooks to allow customization of registration form welcome emails
  • Declared compatibility with WordPress 6.4.2
  • Update to plugin licensing functionality (Provided by Freemius)

Version 1.4.7 – Released 19 September 2023



  • Fix for issue preventing LearnDash groups from being unassociated with Organizations
  • Fix for issue where existing users who used registration forms were not receiving welcome emails

Version 1.4.6 – Released 05 July 2023


  • Update to plugin licensing functionality (Provided by Freemius)

Version 1.4.5 – Released 27 June 2023



  • Fix for PHP warning: “Attempt to read property “post_type” on null”

Version 1.4.4 – Released 11 April 2023



  • Updates to plugin licensing functionality
  • Updated plugin logos

Version 1.4.3 – Released 31 January 2023


  • Several new developer hooks added – Please see: Actions and Filters for Developers
  • Allowed password field to be left blank in CSV imports. Where a field is left blank, the import process will generate a random password and display this upon completion
  • Allowed the ‘b2bregform’ post slug to be rewritten via the ‘register_post_type_args‘ filter
  • Minor UX enhancements
  • Several new shortcode parameters for the Client Dashboard shortcode ([b2b_client_dashboard]) – Please see: The Client Dashboard
  • Updates to plugin licensing functionality

Version 1.4.2 – Released 10 October 2022


  • Language improvements on client dashboard messaging
  • Fix for registration form settings appearing below other WordPress settings boxes under some circumstances

Version 1.4.1 – Released 20 September 2022


  • Updates to plugin licensing functionality
  • Minor language improvements in the admin interface


  • Fixes for some minor PHP warnings and notices

Version 1.3.1 – Released 14 April 2022


  • Dropdowns showing groups and organizations will now appear in alphabetical order rather than order of creation to make them easier to find.

Version 1.4.0 – Released 14 July 2022


  • Users can now be assigned to organizations without needing to be added to a LearnDash group. Users can be assigned to organizations registration forms, CSV import or by manually editing their profile. This setting overrides any organization settings that are associated with the group(s) they are enrolled in.
  • You can now create license codes that will create “Group leader” level users.


  • Added custom capabilities for more flexibility over user roles who can use Organization Toolkit’s features.
  • Additional shortcode parameters on Client Dashboard to allow you to:
    • Limit course categories for which course progress is shown
    • Make it so that group leaders can only see people in the same organization as them
  • Several UX improvements to registration forms, including:
    • Additional element IDs for better CSS customisation
    • Optional message that can be shown for “Logged in” users who visit your registration form, as well as a quick link for them to log out
  • Several new hooks for developers to customise functionality. These can be used to add custom registration form fields, or hook into the registration process.
  • If you have applied custom labels to Courses, Lessons, Groups or Group Leaders in your LearnDash settings, these will now be reflected in the Organization Toolkit interface.


  • Fix for PHP error in dashboard widget if no Organizations or Groups have been set up.
  • Fix for “Add new” button on registration forms, where a large number of license codes have been added.

Version 1.3.2 – Released 19 April 2022


  • PHP 8.1 compatibility fix for registration form builder.

Version 1.3.1 – Released 14 April 2022


  • Dropdowns showing groups and organizations will now appear in alphabetical order rather than order of creation to make them easier to find.

Version 1.3.0 – Released 22 March 2022


  • The plugin is now translatable into different langauges. Please see the Translation page for more information.
  • New action and filter hooks have been added to allow developers to add their own custom functionality. Please see the Actions/Filters for Developers page for more information.


  • Declared compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2.
  • Updated help links to point to the newly developed knowledgebase.

Version 1.2.3 – Released 01 March 2022


  • Declared compatibility with WordPress 5.9.1
  • Updates to plugin licensing functionality

Version 1.2.2 – Released 25 November 2021


  • Fixed issue preventing the contents of certain settings fields from being deleted.
  • Fixed the display of the “X licenses have been used in the last 7 days.” statistic within the WordPress dashboard widget.

Version 1.2.1 – Released 18 November 2021


  • Fixed the display of line breaks within content from the registration form introduction field.

Version 1.2.0 – Released 9 November 2021


  • The plugin has been renamed to “Organization toolkit”.
  • Language has been internationalized throughout the interface.
  • Adjusted the client dashboard interface to make is slimmer on the page, with less wasted space.
  • Improved the labelling of some aspects of the registration forms.
  • Added measures to prevent registrants from using the same code multiple times.
  • Increased the flexibility of the display of organisation overbranding. As well as showing and hiding overbranding sitewide, you now also have the options to set it to only appear on registration forms, or for logged in users.

Version 1.1.3 – Released 5 October 2021


  • Adjusted calculation of course completion where quizzes were added within the “Final quizzes” section of LearnDash’s course builder.
  • Resolved an issue where some themes were preventing the registration form account type selector from working properly.

Version 1.1.2 – Released 4 October 2021


  • Fixed potential plugin/theme conflict in the display of registration forms.

Version 1.1.1 – Released 30 September 2021


  • Registered users can now use registration forms to enrol onto other groups.

Version 1.1.0 – Released 20 September 2021


  • Added the option to include custom CSS as part of your organisation branding
  • Client dashboard enhancements, including option to search for learners by email address
  • Option to include a redirect URL for any learners who register using the access codes set up on a registration forms


  • Some minor interface/UX enhancements


  • None

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