
Estimated reading: 3 minutes 594 views

Version 1.2.6 – Released 12 February 2024


  • Declared compatibility with WordPress 6.4.3
  • Added new {{}} placeholder for email notification. This displays the full name of the person who submitted the assignment, which is useful for admin and group leader notifications.


  • Fix for issue where the filesize of large files could be calculated incorrectly in some web browsers

Version 1.2.5 – Released 8 January 2024


  • Declared compatibility with WordPress 6.4.2
  • Update to plugin licensing functionality (Provided by Freemius)


  • Fix for issue where submissions could be displayed in an illogical order under certain conditions in the submission dashboard.

Version 1.2.4 – Released 31 July 2023



  • Fix for issue where submissions in a “Claimed” but ungraded state could be edited by students
  • Fix for text formatting being removed in grader feedback

Version 1.2.3 – Released 05 July 2023


  • Update to plugin licensing functionality (Provided by Freemius)

Version 1.2.2 – Released 03 July 2023


  • Declared support for WordPress 6.2.2
  • Made the plugin use a native WordPress function for the creation of directories for better compatibility across different types of webserver


  • Fix for intermittent upload issues if maximum number of uploads is set to 1
  • Fix for “Maximum upload size” warning message being incorrectly displayed on the assignment creation screen
  • Fix for PHP warning appearing in logs

Version 1.2.1 – Released 23 January 2023


  • Additional developer hooks have been added to allow developers to amend and extend functionality.
  • Added option to include “Pre submission text” in an Assignment. This is shown to the learner before they submit.
  • Added option to include a link to terms and conditions for an assignment. If added, a learner will be required to tick a box to confirm they have read and accepted them.
  • Improved handling of line breaks in HTML emails.


  • Fix for some minor typos.

Version 1.2.0 – Released 10 January 2023


  • Graders can now download multiple files in assignment submissions as a zip file.
  • Graders can now add a reason for re-opening assignment submissions. This feedback is shown to the learner when they view the assignment page and provides an opportunity to explain what they need to add to their assignment submission.
  • A CSV containing the details of all graded assignments can now be exported via the “Graded” tab of the submissions dashboard.


  • All emails sent from Assignments Pro are now set to by HTML enabled by default.
  • Updates to plugin licensing functionality.


  • Fix for an issue where graders could see the claimed submissions of others in their own “Claimed” assignments list in the submissions dashboard.

Version 1.1.1 – Released 5 December 2022


  • All aspects of the plugin (both backend and frontend) are now translatable
  • Shortcodes can now be included in submission feedback


Version 1.1.0 – Released 14 November 2022


  • Graders can now search for assignment submissions by learner name and email address in the submissions panel.


  • Added an empty index.php file in the assignments upload folder for increased protection on webservers with directory listing enabled.
  • If a learner belongs to multiple LearnDash groups that provide access to an assignment, these will be captured with the assignment submission. Group search filters and group leader grading privileges can also now check across a submission with multiple groups.
  • Improved the recognition of uploaded file types. This resolves an issue where some legitimate file types were sometimes being rejected.
  • Declared compatibility with WordPress 6.1


  • Fix for the display of the “Are you sure?” modal box in some WordPress themes.
  • Fixed an issue preventing learners from deleting uploaded files from re-opened assignment submissions.


Version 1.0.0 – Released 30 September 2022


  • Minor enhancements to plugin and official release.

Version 0.9.0 – Released 26 August 2022


  • Initial release of the plugin.

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