Actions/Filters for Developers

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The Arlo and LearnDash Integration plugin provides the following Actions and Filters that allow Developers to hook into its functionality. These can be used to create custom integrations or help with automation with your wider system. 

Filter: arlodash_completed_course

Description: Allows you to override the completion criteria for a course, that would dictate whether a learner’s completion data should be passed to Arlo.

					apply_filters( 'arlodash_completed_course', true, $data, $arlo_id, $user_integrations );

Filter: arlodash_completed_course

Description: Allows you to override the completion criteria for a group, that would dictate whether a learner’s completion data should be passed to Arlo.

					apply_filters( 'arlodash_completed_group', $completed_group_courses, $data, $arlo_id, $user_integrations, $group_courses, $completed_course_list );

Action: arlodash_added_user

Description: Fires after each new user is added from Arlo. Can be used to apply further actions to each user upon import, such as adding custom user metadata.

					do_action( 'arlodash_added_user', $user_id, $userdata );				

Action: arlodash_email_sent

Description: Fires after a welcome email is sent to a registrant from Arlo. Can be used to send a copy to someone else, or add them to a CRM.

					do_action('arlodash_email_sent', $userdata, $customised_email_subject, $customised_email_content);				

Filter: arlodash_custom_email_subject

Description: Allows you to modify the subject of the welcome email programmatically, immediately before it is sent.


Filter: arlodash_custom_email_content

Description: Allows you to modify the content of the welcome email programmatically, immediately before it is sent.


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Actions/Filters for Developers

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