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Version 1.4.0 – Released 17 June 2024


  • Additional search filters for Arlo event search in Advanced view
  • Declared compatibility with WordPress 6.4.2
  • Update to plugin licensing functionality (Provided by Freemius)

Version 1.3.0 – Released 8 January 2024


  • Added new logging functionality. When enabled, a log of interactions between your platform and Arlo will be recorded. These can be downloaded to help troubleshoot issues.


  • If a user on your platform registers for a second event via Arlo, they’ll still be given access to LearnDash courses or groups even if they weren’t originally registered via Arlo.
  • Declared compatibility with WordPress 6.4.2
  • Update to plugin licensing functionality (Provided by Freemius)

Version 1.2.3 – Released 05 July 2023


  • Update to plugin licensing functionality (Provided by Freemius)

Version 1.2.2 – Released 25 April 2023


  • Improved handling of HTML emails, including aspects like line breaks. The emails sent are now a closer reflection of the content you add in the editor
  • You can now insert {{recipient.firstname}} and {{recipient.lastname}} into your email subject or content and these will be replaced with the recipient’s names when the email is sent
  • Added 3 new developer hooks (Please see
  • Updates to plugin licensing functionality
  • Declared support for WordPress 6.2


  • Fix for inaccurate value on number of active integrations shown on troubleshooting page

Version 1.2.1 – Released 18 November 2022


  • Fix for issues activating the plugin in PHP 8.x environments

Version 1.2.0 – Released 13 October 2022


  • New Feature! The “Advanced” view provides a more comprehensive interface for managing integrations. This is aimed at those who run lots of Arlo events and provides ways to search for Arlo events and map them in bulk. More details here.

Version 1.1.4 – Released 22 September 2022


  • Fix for an issue where people who have already enrolled onto a course via a mapped Arlo event would lose access to their initial course if they subsequently sign up to a second mapped event.

Version 1.1.3 – Released 20 September 2022


  • Updates to plugin licensing functionality


  • Fixes for some minor PHP warnings and notices

Version 1.1.2 – Released 01 March 2022


  • Declared compatibility with WordPress 5.9.1
  • Updates to plugin licensing functionality

Version 1.1.1 – Released 09 December 2021


  • Declared compatibility with WordPress 5.8.2
  • If your site’s scheduled cron action is ever missed for any reason (for example if your site is unavailable for a period of time), the plugin will now check for the point the scheduled action was last run and make sure no users are missed.
  • Plugin options are now deleted at the point of uninstallation rather than deactivation

Version 1.1.0 – Released 26 July 2021


  • NEW Feature! Added the option to pass the grade from a selected quiz back to Arlo and record it as a grade
  • New action hook (arlodash_added_user) to allow developers to plug into the functionality of when a new user is added by the plugin
  • New filter hooks (arlodash_completed_course and arlodash_completed_group) to allow developers to customise their Arlo completion criteria


  • Gave the “Get help” page its own menu item in the sidebar
  • Changed labelling of “Online Activities” to “ELearning” to be more inline with the Arlo dashboard
  • Adding “define( ‘WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE’, ‘local’ );” to your wp-config.php file will disable the cURL SSL checks to help with local testing e.g using WAMP


  • Fixed a typo in the description for the “Mark as complete” field in integrations

Version 1.0.2 – Released 03 June 2021


  • Added a way to pull in historical users from Arlo events and elearning
  • Added “Are you sure” check to some functions, such as deleting integrations
  • Added WordPress filters to completion checks to allow other plugins to hook into them


  • Added timezone value to scheduled tasks area of troubleshooting section
  • Added PHP cURL check to troubleshooting section
  • Amended wording of “Arlo API user email” field


  • Active and completion tickboxes were sometimes showing incorrect values
  • Amended PHP cURL options to remove development options

Version 1.0.1 – Released 17 May 2021


  • Added a troubleshooting section with option to export system details

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