I have set up an Integration, but learners aren’t being added to my courses/groups

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This could be due to a number of factors. But to help resolve the common issues please check the following:

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, head to “Arlo and LearnDash Integration” -> “Get Help” and check that scheduled tasks are running. If they are not, then please deactivate and reactivate the “Arlo and LearnDash Integration” plugin to see if this resolves the issue:

  2. Did the learner(s) who you are expecting to see imported register onto your Arlo event in the last 5 minutes? The plugin only checks for new registrants every 5 minutes, so if there are registrants from before this time then you would need to use the “Import historical users” button in the integration to bring in all of an event’s users:
  3. Double check that you have mapped the correct Arlo Event to the relevant LearnDash course/group. Often we see people with several events with the same name mapping the incorrect one.

If you are still having issues after checking the above, please contact support for further help.

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I have set up an Integration, but learners aren’t being added to my courses/groups

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